Saturday, March 9, 2013

Pastor’s Thoughts

Winter’s grip will soon be ending.  Days will grow longer, the air will warm with sunshine, the grass will become green, trees will start budding and flowers will lift their heads out of the grounds cold sod.  The cold dark days of the last few months will be ending, and spring will break forth in celebration of renewal and rebirth.

So it is the story of life itself.  Each of us experiences the season of winter when days are long, dark and gloomy.  The struggles of family, job and health difficulties, problems and circumstances can if we allow them, grip us in a state as bleak grey as lifeless as winter’s hold on Creation.

However, Jesus words of assurance and hope will ring as rays of sunlight within our souls and spirit.  For when His disciples were troubled and fearful Jesus spoke"be of good cheer, it is I be not afraid.”  We need to allow these words to penetrate our mind and spirit.

First Jesus Christ is always with us.  “I will never leave you or forsake you and that includes the darkest of days.”  Second be cheerful, God is good, look for His blessing each and every day and give thanks and praise.  Finally do not be fearful, “God is love and perfect love casts out fear.” 1 John 4:18.

So if you are struggling through a season of winter, let the words of the Psalmist, “Create in me a new heart, renew a right spirit, and restore the joy of our salvation,” bring a refreshing resurrection of assurance so that a spiritual awaking such as “Spring” will break forth and bloom in the sunshine of our Lords love and grace.

Pastor Blaine Pritchett

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