Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Secretary Snippets

“It’s all happening at the zoo, I do believe it, I do believe it’s true.”These melodie words, from Simon and Garfunkle, often come to mind when the house is full of family, and things get kind of crazy.  Also, as my dad would say, “there are all sorts of people in this world”, which is evident even in a small group such as family.  That must have been what God was thinking when he sent Christ Jesus into the world to help us work things out together.  Just an errant thought. 

The board seems satisfied that the mystery of the unusual electric bills has been resolved, through shutting off a high wattage light and maintaining a close eye on the thermostat switch.  The debacle of the sound system leaves us still in a quandary, which perhaps may be cleared with a review of it by Tom’s Radio, as recommended by Jerry Birkby.

Anticipated by the Board is the manning of a booth in front of Stoner’s in Hamburg on Popcorn Day, Saturday, Sept. 7.  Also another autumn gathering in October is in planning stages, with hayride managed by Jim Layman.  Perhaps some different activities than those of last year might be enjoyed, so if you have ideas, let Pastor Blaine know.

Marcia Little, Board Secretary

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