Monday, August 31, 2015

Pastor’s Thoughts

Challenging would be the optimum word for the agricultural community
especially the farmers over the past five to six months.  However, in a
few weeks those farmers will be busy bringing in the yields that were
planted in the spring. Whether it be bountiful, average or below they*ll
go about the harvest.  It*s a part of life.
*Challenges confront all of us in different forms and various degrees;
family relationships, economic, financial, health issues, urban,
suburban or rural, education, political, social and cultural and moral
issues; every one of these areas present challenging responses to and in
our lives.
*As the people of God spiritual challenges await us we confront the
challenges of living in this world.  Jesus states, *That we are to be
the salt of the earth and the light of the world.* How do we shine as
the world seemingly becomes darker and darker in despair, hopelessness,
violence, and moral decay?
*Yet the challenge is *to shine.* We as God*s children are *Blessed,*
blessed with a hope, faith and trust that is grounded in the promise of
God*s word. Scripture proclaims; *I will never leave you or forsake
you,* *our strength is to be in the Lord,* and that *Surely goodness and
mercy will follow me all the days of my life, *till I dwell in the house
of the Lord forever.
*Yes, the challenges of life do press upon each and every one of us, but
let us not grow weary or stressful or anxious. But let our *light shine:
that it will illuminate the goodness of God, glorify the Savior, and
show the *Blessed Assurance* that Jesus is mine.
Shine! Shine! Shine!
Pastor Blaine

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