Friday, December 4, 2015

From the Secretary

With the sanctuary lovingly decorated for Christmas after the service on
the first Sunday of Advent, November 29th, we will continue celebrating
the birth of Christ with the Children*s Pageant on the 6th of December.
* It is wonderful to have young ones participating at this time. The
more we support them the more likely their number will grow, and the
average age of the congregation will fall.  That would make me feel
younger, just having more kids around.  The children*s sermon already
has helped in this respect, as it is thought provoking for those of any
age.  Which reminds me about being encouraged to reread childhood
classics, such as the Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. There are
ideas not understood in our first reading that might jump at us later in
life.  Of course one might identify with Tiny Tim, or one of his
siblings, the first go around.  But now, who do we see in ourselves? 
Bob Cratchit?  Scrooge?  Jacob Marley?  A caroler on the snowy street? 
Mrs. Cratchit, serving up plum pudding with its thirteen ingredients,
representing Christ and the apostles?   Is there some other childhood
classic you might be picking up soon?
*On Christmas Eve we will gather for a service at four o*clock in the
afternoon, and be home in time for our own suppers.  Then I hope to see
you on New Year*s Eve at six o*clock in the evening for church
fellowship at my home on the Bluff Road.  Bring a treat to share, and a
game to play if you would like.  And if time flew any faster you might
want to take up speedreading for the new year.

Marcia Little

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