Saturday, August 8, 2020

Sunday, August 9th 2020

 Starting this week, we will not be providing a complete service each Sunday. You can still follow the service order we have provided earlier.  Mary will choose several new music videos for each Sunday. She will also take prayer requests that will be posted.  Mindy will continue to post information on the blog.  

Prayer requests for all the members of our congregation, Pastor Blaine, Rhonda Shirley, Sydney Wertz, and Nancy Newlon's sister, Sandra, who has been diagnosed with cancer. Prayers also for Aaron Zach. He and his girlfriend were in a wreck Saturday, Aug. 8th. They are ok but his truck is totaled.

We want to thank Nancy Newlon for taking care of the landscaping in front of the church and DJ Graham for mowing the lawn this summer. It looks very nice.

Birthday greetings this week to Terry Gunderson, Jake and Wyatt Burge, and Ellie Warren.

The first two videos this week feature a family singing group called "Sounds Like Reign."  They have numerous songs on YouTube along with videos about their family life called "Tiny Notes from Home."  Check it out!  Click on the links to listen.

In Christ Alone

He Is Exalted

The Lord's My Shepherd


The church received a thank you card from the family of Sydney Wertz. Sydney and her family live in the Riverton area and Betty Booker had suggested Sydney as a mission.  The Board voted to send the Wertz family a donation. On Thursday, August 6, Sandy Booker shared the latest update on Sydney.
"The breathing tube is out, she's on the healing path and is resting well with Elmo keeping watch over her!!!!!"
Thanks to Betty and Sandy for suggesting this local mission.
Thanks to all of you who give money to the Percival Church Mission.

Nancy Newlon
Mission Chairman

                           When fear knocks at the door, send faith to answer.

Have a good week everyone!

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