Wednesday, October 3, 2012

From the Board Secretary

The hot weather is waning, as is our remembrance of the summer’s travail.  New concerns come wafting in with the fall breezes.  We will be on the lookout soon for frost advisories, while enjoying the wonderful autumnal temperatures during the day.  We will gather in the harvests, and prepare for winter around the house and fields. 


The church plans to celebrate the season with a Harvest Festival on October 28th, including a hay ride, among other activities.  Let the children know, so they may anticipate the fun and frolic of the event.  If you would like to help, contact JoAnn Birkby, at 374-2798.

September past so quickly! Barb Handy reported that the fundraising stand at the Popcorn Day festival in Hamburg was very successful.  Thank you to all who participated in the event.  Wava Shipley also contributed to church funds by selling an old pew, that was an encumbrance to many, for a whopping sum of $125.                                         

Don’t forget the collection of food for the hungry.  Paul reports that the recipients of the donations are extremely grateful.  He was impressed with their expressions of thanks, reporting of them with a few tears in the eye.

A suggestion was made at the board meeting to have the foundation of the church building painted brown to match the doors.  Labor would open to volunteers, who don’t mind getting down on their hands and knees. The elder statesmen of the church prefer that someone younger might be interested, if the project goes forward.

Also, one Sunday congregants were wandering around the fellowship hall with hunger pangs in their bellies, and forlorn looks in their eyes.  Apparently no one had signed up for treats!  Horrors! Imagine that happening on Halloween, the tricks would abound! So keep an eye on the whiteboard by the kitchen, and fill in any blanks if you have the opportunity.

Secretary, Marcia

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