Sunday, May 26, 2013

Secretary Snippets

Spring has sprung, albeit late this year.  In regards to the church front yard it is just as well; the Board is slow in organizing a work party and developing a design for the small garden area.  Nancy Newlon, a Master Gardner, is being prevailed upon for supervision.  We also are looking at a church yard in Hamburg, which has river rock in a reportedly pleasant manner, around hardy plants.  As reported before, peonies and day lilies have been considered and Jerry Birkby suggested a tulip tree to replace the one that needed removal, planted long ago to honor veterans.  However, a less expensive means of obtaining such flora than at the major garden centers is the aim of the church.  Once ready for action, there will be an announcement on Sunday as to when and how we can get together and start digging dirt.

Phyllis Layman made beautiful May Baskets with friends supplying candy. They were shared with some very special people who were very appreciative.

The men served a wonderful coffee before the service on Mother’s Day. A big thank you to them!  At the end of the month Pastor Blaine will not be with us on Memorial Day.  Expect a diversion from the usual Sunday service that weekend.

I can’t wait to see what the April showers bring forth.  A lot of color hopefully!


Marcia Little, Board Secretary

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