Thursday, March 13, 2014

Secretary Snippets

The new president of the Percival Community Church board, Lynn Handy,
has taken over the reins with aplomb, opening the latest meeting with
prayer in the most sincere manner.  Although the joviality and efforts
of the last president, Paul, will be missed, it is deemed that change
can bring invigorating fresh air.  Thank you to both men for their
participation in the governing process, which sometimes may be
burdensome, though brings guidance to the congregation.
*The Board has been discussing the subject of drilling a well, with many
weighing in by relating their own experiences.  Cost, longevity,
burnout, pumps, casings, water level, sand point, estimates and
potability are among the concerns.  It has been pretty much decided that
having a well would be a good idea, even if the water might not be
drinkable.  Action is being taken by Patty to gather some estimates on
the project.
*Did you have fun at the Valentine's Day fellowship at Valentino's?
Well, how about another celebration?  This month St. Patrick will be
looking over us, so in turn we shall have fun by bringing potluck snacks
(not snakes) in the shade of green to fellowship after the service on
Sunday the 16th.  A few games may be brought as well, such as played by
Mel and Nancy Hurst (which they love to share at parties and the name
slips my mind).
*The Board also considered the need for guidelines at food banks where
we donate; the issue being that as of now there seems to be a first come
first serve policy that doesn't sit well with us. This discussion will
continue as we learn more about the situation.
Get your garden gear in order.
                               Marcia Little, Secretary

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