Sunday, May 31, 2020

What do YOU see?

I went outside the other day and noticed this very pretty flower blooming.  Deserving of a picture I grabbed my phone, squatted down barefoot and all to get a closer look.  I snapped a couple of photos and went on about my way.  Once back inside, I decided to see if I was able to capture its beauty.  Looking at the photos, I sat there and admired how very beautiful it was, so purple, so vivid. I've often thought flowers are just little miracles, then all of a sudden I let out a scream.  There in the picture right before me was a snake.  How did I not see that.  Squatted down close as I was, I didn't even notice it.  All I was focused on was the pretty little flower itself.  That snake could have slithered right out of there  across my bare toes!  I cringed at the thought!
Later, after I calmed myself down, it got me thinking.  Do I need to do more of that? Was this a reminder to concentrate on the good even though there are some "not so goods" in and around me?  Usually, I am so focused on the bad, I find it hard to see the good, but this time my mind was so drawn to what was beautiful that I didn't even see the not so beautiful in the background.  Now this is not to say we should just throw caution to the wind and ignore the bad, or the red flags that are forever lurking out there among us, but maybe just maybe we should instead focus on our blessings and see and appreciate all that we have to be thankful for.  In other words, count our blessings, not our problems.  While this can be challenging at times as our problems can easily get the best of us, I feel it is something we can improve on.  We can start by helping each other, lifting each other up, by focusing more on what is good, especially when the fear and doubt start to creep in.
Look for the light, look for the good, count your blessings, and as the Hymn them one by one.

Wanted to share another great song perfectly titled "Keep Me In The Moment."  Again, a song I've never heard before that just  presented itself with the right words at the right time. You have to wonder why...    I encourage you to listen, just click on the link

Keep Me In The Moment    Jeremy Camp 

       Oh, and in case you didn't see the snake you go

 May the Lord keep you in the moment, so you never miss what he has for you~

Prayer Request
Since writing this post, there has been more scary and heartbreaking transgressions that have taken place.  We need to pray for the injustices happening in our world.  We need to pray for peace and wisdom. We need to pray for more love and compassion.  Hate is unacceptable. We need to lead by example. We need God.

"A new command I give you: Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another."   John 13:34

Peace and Love,
Percival Church Blogger

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