Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Rodeo Stand


July 30th – August 3rd

Sidney Iowa Rodeo

We will be working the Rodeo concession stand Friday night, Aug. 2nd.  If you would like to help please be there at 6:00 p.m.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Food Bank


Thanks to your generous donations to our food bank project we are helping those in need, but much more is needed.  There has been a suggestion to add a donation of $25 dollars each month from our mission fund, to further stock the banks with needed items.  As is our practice each month we alternate between the Sidney and Hamburg food banks.

As Mission funds are another project of our outreach we would like the congregation to add their input.  Please respond to the Mission Committee with your thoughts.  Members are Mindy Raymond, Elizabeth Hartnett, Jerry Birkby, Jim Layman and Shirley Lawton.

Thank you!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Upcoming Events

July 14th Bible Study 5:00 p.m.

July 18th Wendy’s Birthday Gathering   11:30

July 22nd Caregivers Support Group
               Sidney Ambassador 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Secretary Snippets

Whoa Nelly.  After a slow start in Spring, warm weather has hit its stride, and is racing toward Fair and Rodeo time in galloping gusts of hot air.  Hang onto your hats!  Lemonade and water will keep you hydrated.  Put your feet in a bath of cold water as needed.  Stay in the shade.  Use sunscreen.

The church board has been discussing the need to improve the sound system in the church, though by repair or replacement, the means have not been decided.  An expert will be called in to take a look at it.

The bell tower is still leaky after efforts on behalf of Marty Cozad to correct the problem.  There was a rotted out board contributing to the problem, but it is difficult to get over the fact that the architectural design is not good.  There are two parts of the roof slanting into it, with a gully bringing water to a bad spot.  Possibly removing the structure would be the only solution.

Other than that, the Church Board is anticipating a quiet month of July.  We hope to be invited to a man a food booth two nights again this coming rodeo season, though have yet to receive word to that effect.  We are very appreciative of the landscaping design pictured on the front of this month’s newsletter and put into place by Nancy and friends.  It looks great!

Marcia Little, Board Secretary

Click on photo to enlarge.

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Saturday, July 6, 2013

This and That

I am spending a few days at home and had planned on getting the deck stained while I was here but so far it has been wet everyday and have not been able to do it.  It seems maybe I will have to do something else if it keeps raining every day.  It sometimes works like that and works like that with God too.  What we have planned may be different than what he has planned.  My hope is always that I am able to see the proper direction to take when God’s plan is put before me.

I am also a little bit anxious about the upcoming Independence Day celebrating.  It isn’t so much for me but for my dog Grace.  She just hates the noise of the fireworks and I dread seeing her so uncomfortable with all that going on around her.  Just like a good many things not much we can do except get through it and know that eventually what is not working well will be gone and something better will be.  Nice to always have a light at the end of the tunnel.  July seems to be a time when summer sports are winding down and kids can now actually just have some fun and people can go on vacation.

June 30th marks my year end at work so my July is usually a little bit busy trying to get everything done for the accountants to get all our work done.  My two younger nieces will be done with swim team and want to come stay so I am trying to come up with a plan and lastly Scott is having knee surgery on the 2nd and will be recovering in July, so it may now come as no surprise I am looking forward to August.  Think maybe if I can survive July, August will be my summer relaxation time. 

Hoping all of you have a very nice, fun, joyous summer to do all the things you enjoy!

Paul Bennett, Board President

Monday, July 1, 2013

Pastor’s Thoughts

July is the month where we celebrate our Independence and the establishing of this new nation called America.  Those adventurous and hard working people believed in freedom for themselves and  for their neighbors willing to fight and die that the winds of liberty would blow across a new land.

More than two hundred and twenty five years later I’m wondering if those values and virtues they so desperately sought have been lost to the prevailing attitudes of apathy.  Maybe I’m watching too many news shows but the IRS and the NSA and the possible tracking of my Verizon phone conversations is extremely disturbing.  What has and is happening in this nation we love seems to be a non-issue to millions of U.S. citizens.  But then again it’s not much different than our relationship with God and His son Jesus Christ.  We go about the business of our daily lives barely noting the presence of His Spirit and His desire to talk to us.

God is never an issue unless it’s an emergency.  In John 8:32 the Scripture verse says, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”  Freedom came with the cost of patriots lives; spiritual freedom costs our life as we submit it to Jesus Christ.  Enjoy your freedom in the Lord.

Pastor Blaine