Friday, February 7, 2014

Secretary Snippets


As for news from the Board, the Annual Meeting of 2014 was an orderly event, which accomplished the necessary business of our church.  We thank Joan for putting together  a near flawless 2013 Annual Report.  Please take note of forthcoming corrections, however, so that it may be, as desired, a dependable and reliable resource of our parish community.  Also we welcome Patty as a new board member, taking Paul’s seat.

Upcoming for Valentine’s Day is planned a get together at a local restaurant for fellowship.  Stay tuned for further updates.  Thoughts of the water problem have been exchanged at the recent meeting, as suggested by Mel.  As a complicated situation, don’t expect quick action.  Also a soup supper would make a wonderful excuse for a fund raiser, and we will be continuing this discussion as well.

Maybe the sunshine of Montana is nursing my Vitamin D deficiency so well that I am unusually up beat at the moment.  I can’t help thinking, however, that this will be a great year in Fremont County.  Already Chinook breezes of the New Year are portending sweet thoughts of spring.

Marcia Little

Board Secretary

1 comment:

  1. The secretary and the pastor were reporting on different days.
