Friday, May 1, 2015

From the Board Secretary


Mother’s Day is cause for celebration, especially by the men folk of our

congregation, who want to make it special for the ladies with a

breakfast before the service on May 10th.  Jan Zach, again a leader of

the charge, will be scrambling eggs and searing bacon, while others help

out with fruit, muffins, coffee, and whatever else they muster up.  Of

course, be ready for adjustments in the format if it happens that many

are called to the field that day.  However be reassured, Social Chairman

JoAnn Birkby is on call for what needs to get done in such a case. 

Mother’s Day, yea!

In June Pastor Blaine will be absent on the 7th and 14th.  Nancy Newlon

will give a presentation on her trip to Jerusalem on the first Sunday he

is gone (there will be no communion that day), and Mel Hurst will give

the homily on the next Sunday.  Thank you both for stepping up and

sharing with the congregation.

Although a month has gone by since our Easter celebrations, they are

remembered as being very special, with beautiful music, lovely

decorations for the sanctuary, heartfelt messages and reverent

devotional moments.  Thank you all involved in contributing to the


Thank you Phyllis Layman, for sharing your talents in the preparation of

May Baskets, as well as everyone involved with this ministry.  Pastor

Blaine reports that the community at large is more and more aware of our

presence and outreach. All the participation of the congregation in so

many activities must be a large part of the reason.  Double yea!  Or

Huzzah! Huzzah!

From Marcia Little, Board Secretary

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