Saturday, December 10, 2022

Sunday, December 11, 2022



 The older I get, the more I long for a quieter, slower Christmas.  The kind where the simple things are embraced.  Where every person knows they are cherished.  Where peace and joy are contagious.  And where Jesus is the brightest light in the room. ~ Jennifer Dukes Lee



 Please pray for our country, our leaders, and our church.


 Praise and Prayer Requests:

 Roger Polsley, Marge Bennett, Amy and Patric Breekbill, Andrew Heuberger, Rosemary Handy, Pastor Donna, Jim and Donna Glenn, Mary Sherwood, Beth’s mother, Conrad Hall, Don Baker, David Lueth, Patrick Lueth, Ellie Warren, Penny’s cousin Randy, Joan Tiemeyer, Jenny and Shannon Bruce, Terry Gunderson, the unspoken prayers.

 Praise for the decorators of the church particularly Jan, Dave, Phyllis and Betty, Mary’s gathering of local children for a Jesus birthday party, those traveling during the holiday

 Board Meeting December 18th.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 4 pm. Dec. 24th. with communion.

 Christmas Day Service and Fellowship at 10 am, Dec. 25th.

 New Years Day Service at 10 am, January 1st.

December Birthdays and Anniversaries:  18th Gary Sherwood, 22nd Jerry Birkby,  the 2nd Jerry and Jo Ann Birkby, the 19th Jan and Mary Zach.

 Today's Sermon:  Incarnation

  Today's Hymns:

   Joy To The World

   We Three Kings

  Special Music:  "Be Born in Me" by Francesca Battistelli

   O Come All Ye Faithful






We had a birthday party for Jesus on December 4th.  I read the story of Jesus birth.  Then the children made presents for Jesus.  They wrote down ways they were going to show kindness to others.  After all, Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it for me."  Matthew 25:40.  They also gave gifts of song, prayer, and taking care of the earth.  We played a game called "Name that Christmas Carol." Then, of course, we sang "Happy Birthday" and had birthday cake! ~ Mary Zach





A little interesting share....

A lot of Hymns we sing were written out of joy and love for the Lord, but sometimes they were written from a place of depression and despair.  And in writing these hymns (or in this case, a poem that was later made into a song) the writer came to the realization what was basically deep in their heart all along.  God truly is our Hope.  I don't know about you but discovering the background of a song, not only who wrote it, but learning the inspiration behind it, makes it all the more beautiful.

Christmas Bells was a poem written in 1863 by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and was later made into a song.  Henry was a well known American poet of the nineteenth century. He had lost his first wife and later lost his 2nd wife, the mother of his 6 children, to a fire. He then became a widowed father of six children.  His oldest son was in the Civil War and was seriously injured.  When he would hear the bells at Christmas time and be wished a Merry Christmas, he struggled with how that could be true with so much hatred, injustice and despair in the world. But later, he was able to discover the message in the the loud ringing of the bells...


And in despair I bowed my head;
“There is no peace on earth,” I said:
“For hate is strong,
And mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!”

Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
“God is not dead; nor doth he sleep!
The Wrong shall fail
The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men!”


 Beautiful song, beautiful words.  Click Here to listen and let us remember that message always....





Old churches must not simply stand as monuments to the past but as spiritual grandparents that have invested in the future by passing on their life to others and releasing their offspring to form new congregations. ~ unknown



 Today's Sunday Church Share..


Picture via Pinterest


Percy's Tidbit

 Treasure the moments. Be present for the grace. Be awake for the joy. Dwell in the peace. ~Mary Davis




May joy be with you this week!

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