Saturday, October 22, 2022

Sunday, October 23, 2022


The glow of the setting sun glistening off the pumpkins.   The changing of the seasons in itself, brings us so much beauty but when combined with the spectacular sunrises and sunsets.....priceless.  So many blessings around us if only we stop and look.

A friend took and sent me this picture she had taken one evening while visiting a pumpkin patch with her children.



Please pray for our country, our leaders, and our church.


Praise and Prayer Requests:

 Roger Polsley, Marge Bennett, Amy and Patric Breekbill, Andrew Heuberger, Rosemary Handy, Pastor Donna, Jim and Donna Glenn, Mary Sherwood, Beth’s mother, Conrad Hall, Don Baker, David Lueth, Larry Greedy, Our country, government and military, the unspoken prayers.

 Booster shots available at Fremont County Public Health in Hamburg on Wednesdays from 1-3pm (next to the hospital). 


 Sign-up sheet for Oct. 30 Trunk or Treat participation in Fellowship room. 

October Birthday: 27th Blaine Pritchett



Today's Sermon:  "On the Journey"

Today's Hymns:

All the Way My Savior Leads Me

Blessed Assurance

I Love to Tell the Story

Special Music:  "Whatever Your Plan Is" by Josie Buchanan

Anywhere With Jesus





 Don't miss the fun!



  Here's a fun little read for you this morning if you care to check it out. A little memory from the past that has slowly faded away through the years.  I myself enjoy reading reminders of the lives and traditions of those before us....sweet recollections.  I found this article in the Country Register. Perhaps you'll enjoy, as I did.





History of Aprons ~ Author Unknown

I don't think most kids today know what an apron is.  The principle use of Mom's or Grandma's apron was to protect the dress underneath because she only had a few.  It was also because it was easier to wash aprons than dresses and aprons used less material.  But along with that, it served as a potholder for removing hot pans from the oven.

It was wonderful for drying children's tears, and on occasion was even used for cleaning dirty faces.

From the chicken coop, the apron was used for carrying eggs, fussy chicks, and sometimes half hatched eggs to be finished in the warming oven.

When company came, those aprons were ideal hiding places for shy kids. And when the weather was cold, she wrapped it around her arms.

Those big old aprons wiped many a perspiring brow, bent over the hot wood stove.  Chips and kindling wood were brought into the kitchen in that apron.

From the garden, it carried all sorts of vegetables.  After the peas had been shelled, it carried out the hulls.

In the fall, the apron was used to bring in apples that had fallen from the trees.

When unexpected company drove up the road, it was surprising how much furniture that old apron could dust in a matter of seconds.

When dinner was ready, she walked out onto the porch, waved her apron, and the men folk knew it was time to come in from the fields to dinner.

It will be a long time before someone invents something that will replace that 'old apron' that served so many purposes.

Remember moms and grandmas used to set hot baked apple pies on the window sill to cool.

Today, many of us would likely go crazy trying to figure out how many germs were on that apron. 

I don't think I ever caught anything from an apron...but love. 



Maybe we should bring the apron back, or maybe you still use an apron.  Either way, what a sweet memory.... and speaking of aprons and sweet memories, here is MY apron that my dear friend Joan Tiemeyer made for me a few years back.  One of my treasures.



 Grab YOUR apron, or find you an apron, and begin "Cooking with Grace!"




 Old churches must not simply stand as monuments to the past but as spiritual grandparents that have invested in the future by passing on their life to others and releasing their offspring to form new congregations. ~ unknown



 Today's Sunday Church Share..



Picture via Pinterest/lillehammer, norway






 Percy's Tidbit

The best memories of our life can never be captured in pictures, they are always captured by heart.



 Wishing you a great week!


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